Dear PI-Fans,

This is how you survive a Monday.

  1. Do not make eye contact with strange people.
  2. Do not get run over by an incoming vehicle.
  3. Hide from your Boss.
  4. Hold the door.
  5. Do not become the victim of Kenneth’s Law of Shipment Attraction.

I failed Number 5. This resulted in running and screaming. And boxes. Followed by screaming and running. And boxes… All the boxes.

The boxes…

In the meantime…

Feel free to pick up Eldritch Horror: Signs of Carcosa, The Great Persuader and Karma…


– Kenneth, Games@PI Manager


New Board and Card Game Releases
Eldritch Horror: Signs of Carcosa
The Great Persuader

Board and Card Game Restocks
7 Wonders and Expansions
7 Wonders Duel
Bang! and Expansions
Cash n’ Guns and Expansions
Castles of Mad King Ludwig
Catan and Expansions
D&D Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game
D&D Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game
Dead of Winter
Dixit and Expansions
Elder Sign
Mega Monopoly
Munchkin Apocalypse
Munchkin Legends
Munchkin Zombies
Pandemic and Expansions
The Resistance and Expansions

Miniature Wargame Restocks
Star Wars Imperial Assault: Boba Fett Villain Pack