Hey PI-Fans,

I’ve been away for the better part of a month on Reservist and I’ve just gotten back. I’ve been making sure the shelves are stocked and ready for business. We’ve reloaded our Catan and Munchkin shelves and we’ve gotten in more of those X-Wing K-Wing and TIE Punisher heavy bombers that people have been clamoring for. Plus Small World, the D&D Elemental Evil board game, Agricola and Pandemic Legacy are back on our shelves.

So. As always, here’s to gaming.

– Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager


Board and Card Game Restocks
Dixit and Expansions
Dungeons & Dragons: Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game
Catan and Expansions
Munchkin Guest Artist Edition
Munchkin Legends Deluxe
Pandemic Legacy
Small World
The Castles of Burgundy
The Grand Austrian Hotel
The Grizzled
Three Cheers for Master

Miniature Wargame Restocks
Star Wars X-Wing: The Force Awakens Core Set
Star Wars X-Wing: Imperial Veterans Expansion
Star Wars X-Wing: K-Wing Expansion
Star Wars X-Wing: TIE Punisher Expansion

Role Playing Game Restocks
Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook
Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer’s Edition Rulebook