Hey PI-Fans,
It’s entertaining when your shipment has a better travel sightseeing experience than you. Anyway, we’re back from Doujima where we ran a booth with the nice AL people.
So. Games. Because that’s what we do.
The releases are coming fast this week, with the ‘Madame’ expansion for TIME Stories. One Deck Dungeons has been restocked as well and we’ve got the Forest of Shadows standalone expansion as well.
Then there’s the massive Journeys in Middle Earth board game, taking one to five players on a cooperative app-supported romp through the Lord of the Rings setting!
If you’re after something a bit more casual, the Vegas expansion for Wits & Wagers and it’s massive betting board are in stock. Alternatively look out for ‘The Mind’, a truly mental card game about nonverbal communication.
L5R players can pick up the Masters of the Court clan pack for the L5R LCG. While the Star Wars starfighter pilots can load up on the new wave of ‘Wave 0’ starfighters with the reprint of Saw’s Renegades and the TIE Reaper.
Then there’s a heap of restocks for Star Reams, Fury of Dracula and many other titles as well, so who knows what you’ll dig out!
New Board and Card Game Release
D&D Dungeon of the Mad Mage
One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows
The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle Earth
The Mind
TIME Stories: Madame
Tiny Epic Western
Vegas Wits & Wagers
Board and Card Game Restocks
Catan and Expansions
EPIC Card Game
Fury of Dracula
Hero Realms
One Deck Dungeon
Star Realms and Expansions
Tiny Epic Kingdoms
Tiny Epic Zombies
Role Playing Game Restocks
Dragon Age RPG Core Book
Dragon Age RPG: Face of Thedas
Paranoia RPG Core Box