Hey PI-Fans,

We aren’t going to lie – people have been asking about quite a few titles but with the Circuit Breaker in full swing and the global scale of this pandemic, supply chain operations aren’t quite working the way they were before.

But we’re trying our best.

The logistics team is unpacking pallets to bring another wave of titles to our webstore. Much requested titles like Sushi Go and Forbidden Island are now available! If you would prefer to engage in some stay at home crime-busting, why not try Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game and Chronicles of Crime. For those of you who want to spice things up with some horror, maybe Eldritch Horror and Mansions of Madness are more your speed. There’s more on top of that, so check out the store for more details.

And of course, there’s a new game.

Stay safe and stay healthy, folks. We’ll see you when this is over.

– Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager



At the turn of the 16th Century, King Manuel I commissioned Portugal’s greatest artisans to construct grandiose buildings. Sadly, King Manuel I died before construction ever began. In Azul: Summer Pavilion, players return to Portugal to accomplish the task that never began. As a master artisan, you must use the finest materials to create the summer pavilion while carefully avoiding wasting supplies.