Hey PI-Fans,
While we’ve stepped out of the Circuit Breaker, very little has changed for us really. Retail is still shuttered but the Games @ PI Webstore on the other hand, is still very much operational.
While we can’t unleash the new Arkham Horror LCG packs to the world just yet (ask again tomorrow), new on the webstore is a pile of titles for your perusal.
As promised, we’re going to keep plugging away at this as we work to expand our RPG, Miniature and Board Game categories.
As always, the option to make the leap over and start browsing right away is always open to you HERE, but if you’d like a list about what we added, keep reading.
Board and Card Games on the Webstore
Cosmic Encounters
Flip Over Frog
Kittens in a Blender
Mice & Mystics
Pie Town
Poo and Space Poo
Power Grid
Ravnica Inquisition
Rock, Paper, Wizard
Small World
Stuffed Fables
Tiny Towns
Role-Playing Games on the Webstore
Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition
Genesys Core Rulebook
Savage Worlds: Adventurer’s Edition
Miniature Wargames on the Webstore
BattleTech: Beginner Box
BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat