Air, Land & Sea:
Supreme Commander!
The enemy is upon us! Deploy our forces into the Air, Land & Sea! Engage the enemy, and lead us to victory!
You are in sole command of our nation’s military forces, your only goal, to win the war. You have 6 Battle cards to call upon, however reinforcements have been cut off, the 6 Battle cards you bring to Battle will be all you have. Players take alternate turns, playing Battle cards one at a time until all cards have been played, or a player decides to withdraw.
Choose the cards you play carefully commander, the order in which you play them, and how you play them will determine victory or defeat. All cards can be played face-up or face-down. Playing a card face-up triggers their Tactical Abilities, but they must be played in their corresponding theatre. Face-down cards can be played to any theatre, but only have a strength of 2, and lose their Tactical Abilities.
Victory means controlling two of the three theatres of war, after both players have exhausted their Battlecards; alternatively pressure your opponents to withdraw. A good commander knows how to secure victory, but also when victory is impossible. Each card played in a battle increases the battle’s worth. Deny your opponents by withdrawing when their strength is overwhelming. Fret not, commanders, even if you lose the battle, you can still win the war! Victory points are awarded at the end of each Battle based on the results. The first player to 12 victory points wins the war.
Victory by any means, Commander; Air, Land, or Sea.
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Berried Treasure:
Berried Treasure is a fast-paced, highly-interactive game of hungry critters. Treats are aplenty, but so is competition; grab as many baked treats as you can! Draw a treat from the tableau and add it to your stash. If you draw a ‘Moar’ card, draw again. If you draw a ‘grabby paws’, ‘liberate’ a treat from another player’s stash, and add it to your own. The point values of each treat changes with every round; but woe to you if you tie with another player, for you’ll both wind up with nothing.
Grab the goodies or get stuck with the crumbs.
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Find out more by contacting us at 67343858, or visit our store at #03-01 Midpoint Orchard!