Hey PI-Fans,

If you enjoy the little satisfaction of building things that last, boy is 2025 not looking great in that regard – the collapse of the Diamond Comic Distribution company (along with its game distribution arms) has cast a bit of a pall over the industry and indicated that the year 2025 has every intention of coming out of the gate acting spicy. 

For those of us who game though, at least there’s board games for those of us who want to experience the joy of a little successful chill.

To that end, we’re always up for a bit of Wingspan. Birds are nice. They would never…

To that end, we’re always up for a bit of Wyrmspan. Dragons are nice. Also fictional, so they would never crap on us.

Wingspan, its 2-player Standalone Expansion Wingspan Asia and Wyrmspan are amazingly pretty low-interaction euro-style game with players working to house various different winged critters on their sanctuaries and preservations in order to grow the habitat and outscore their opponents. They’re also incredibly low-stakes games with minimal inter-player conflict, which is amazing for anyone who already gets their daily dose of conflict from other places in their life and don’t need their hobbies to contribute.

Also back on the shelf is Tapestry, a pretty Civilization style game which sees players controlling their own Civilizations and slowly expanding their cultural reach across the board while developing their science, exploration, technology and military in order to become the dominant civilization on the board and competing against the opposing cultures controlled by the other players. Improve your income, build your capital city, leverage one of the sixteen civilization abilities, earn victory points, and gain tapestry cards that will tell the story of your civilization in this abstract adaptation of the civilization genre without grinding to mechanical halt on the minutiae. This appears to also be the only way to reasonably build and afford property in this day and age even if that property is cardboard and plastic.

We expect to have more titles on the way as well, so we’re always happy to have you over to the store!

See you in the store one of these days, folks.

  • Kenneth, PI Games Manager