Hey PI-Fans,

Aelvish fans can look forward to a brand new faction for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Games Workshop has been showing off the new Lumineth Realm-Lords and the announcement of the new Lumineth Realm-Lords box is a A Big Hunk o’ Love for anyone wanting to start a new army.

If you’re currently on the fence, all I can say is ‘Don’t’. Like the Adeptus Sororitas release before it, quantities are limited so It’s Now Or Never.

You can preorder the Lumineth Realm-Lords on the Games @ PI website. Quantities have already been allocated by Games Workshop, so you don’t want to be left out when there are No More.

Suspicious Minds among the staff have told me You Gotta Stop, but if you want more information about the contents of the box, you can keep scrolling Way Down, Just Because.




The Lumineth Realm-Lords box promises to bring the enemy a world of Hurt, coming packed with ten fully posable Vanari Auralan Wardens and five Vanari Dawnriders and the special character Light of Eltharion, which provide the core of an army with two Battleline choices and a Hero to lead them.

If you Can’t Help Falling In Love with the army, you’ll be happy to know that the box comes with a special edition Lumineth Realm-Lords Battletome, containing not only unit stats and matched play point costs, but also a veritable Promised Land of information on the culture and kingdoms of this new aelf army.

Wrapping up the box are the Lumineth Realm-Lords dice, combat gauge, reference cards, a complete stack of Love Letters to the fans of the army.

Of course, these aelves aren’t going to be the only ones available for long. The Party is coming with a full Lumineth Realm-Lords release SOON (TM), so you can keep an eye out…

It’s like If Every Day Was Like Christmas…