Hey PI-fans,

How’s your Tuesday going? Here’s something sweet to dip your fingers into: Truffle Shuffle! Chocoholics and fans of all things sugary will love this one!


truffle shuffle box truffle shuffle contents

Have you always wanted to work in a chocolate shop? In Truffle Shuffle, you and your friends are staff working at a chocolatier trying to build specialized boxes based on customer requests. When you fulfill a request, you get coins! The player with the most coins after 3 rounds wins! 

On your turn, you can do 1 of 2 actions: take a truffle card or play a card. You can choose to play a ‘Take 2’ card which allows you to take 2 truffles, or you can play a ‘skip’ card to skip your turn but you can take 3 truffles the next turn! Each truffle belongs to part of a suit and has a numerical value. If you pick truffles in certain sets, you may score more coins! eg. a small straight flush is worth $6, a large straight flush is worth $9.

A delectable game of tactical chocolate selection! Choose your truffles wisely, score with power combos and win those coins!

For 2-4 Players, 15-30 Minutes Playing Time, Ages 8+

Pick this up from our Webstore! 


So head on down to the store and check out this game! See you there!