Hey PI-Fans,

There’s an all new Catan expansion on the shelves. Travelers, Dragons & Adventurers is an expansion for Cities & Knights and Seafarers and shakes up the usual Catan formula with treasure hunting, canal building and dragon slaying. 

It’s now available both at Games @ PI and on our webstore!

As an added little bonus, for those of you looking to expand your games, we’re putting out a little in-store promo for people looking to pick up an expansion or two from the Ticket to Ride of the Catan range in-person. Here’s how it’s going to work:

Each additional Catan or Ticket to Ride product purchased beyond the first in a single receipt will provide an additional 5% discount off the final amount for all titles for that product range, up to a total of 15% off.* Eg. Catan and Catan 5-6 Player extension will provide a 5% discount on both boxes, while Catan, Catan 5-6, Cities & Knights and Cities & Knights 5-6 will provide 15% off all 4 Catan boxes.

Grab a stack of expansions! Buy a copy for a friend to start! Pick up a Travel Edition for yourself! I’ll leave you to do the math. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out what works for you.

– Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager

* Stacks with membership discounts and birthday promotions. Highest discount applies. In-store purchases only. Promotion valid until 18th September 2022.