Hey PI-Fans,

With the issue of storage being a question of some import, many of you who deal with miniatures have asked us when the next Feldherr order is going out.

So you know what, we’re prepping another order to Feldherr in February.

Games @ PI is taking pre-orders for Feldherr Cases at a Singapore dollar price of 1.7x the Euro listed price on the Feldherr Website (https://www.feldherr.net/). This price is inclusive of the shipping cost.

Please note that for tracking purposes, you will need to be a Games @ PI Member to place an order. Please make a full deposit upfront for orders. Final date for orders is 08/02/19.



With a range of Hard Cases, Backpacks and Sponge Trays, Feldherr provides miniature carry cases you can take your miniatures anywhere in safety. These cases were designed for use with war, sci-fi and fantasy game mini figures & miniatures, but can also be used for other types of hobbies.