DA’ BIG MEK’S LOOTED ‘FING LOT – Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Battle Titan

OEI. WE’Z GIVEN DA WEB BOFFINS A RIGHT KRUMPIN’ AN DIS ‘ERE’S AN ORK PAGE NOW. WE’Z LOOTIN’ DA STORE FER GUBBINS AN WE’Z GOT DA GUDS IF YA BRING DA TEEF.  Hey PI-Fans, we're clearing out the preorder cabinet and we've dug out an unclaimed Warlord Battle Titan. It's owner long gone and in dire need of a new Princep, we're putting it up for quick sale in the hope it'll see better times in someone's collection.   ADEPTUS TITANICUS WARLORD BATTLE TITAN 35% OFF EXTRA 5% IF PAID FOR AND COLLECTED IN STORE We’re going to be placing these items up for sale one at a time in both Games @ PI and on our webstore. As they sell, we’ll replace them with a fresh item. If it doesn’t clear within a 3-day period, we’ll swap it out for a fresh item as well. Items sold as is. [...]

By |2021-03-20T10:04:01+08:00March 20th, 2021|Flash Sale, Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions|

DA’ BIG MEK’S LOOTED ‘FING LOT – Sons of Behemat Mega Gargant

OEI. WE’Z GIVEN DA WEB BOFFINS A RIGHT KRUMPIN’ AN DIS ‘ERE’S AN ORK PAGE NOW. WE’Z LOOTIN’ DA STORE FER GUBBINS AN WE’Z GOT DA GUDS IF YA BRING DA TEEF.  We poked the Chaos Gate. We got a large angry gargant. It's not a 40K Model, you say. Well... Looks like we're going to find out if Orks can-in-fact loot everything. One Big Stompy Boi. Good for all Age of Sigmar Order, Chaos, Death and Destruction Armies. SONS OF BEHEMAT MEGA GARGANT 35% OFF EXTRA 5% IF PAID FOR AND COLLECTED IN STORE We’re going to be placing these items up for sale one at a time in both Games @ PI and on our webstore. As they sell, we’ll replace them with a fresh item. If it doesn’t clear within a 3-day period, we’ll swap it out for a fresh item as well. Items sold as is. [...]

By |2021-03-19T12:51:06+08:00March 19th, 2021|Flash Sale, Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer 40k|

Hey PI-Fans, The Mad Cat OmniMech, as the Timber Wolf it is known in the Inner Sphere, has long the poster boy of Clan OmniMech design - the 'Mech's bulbous bullet shaped cockpit, bird like legs and bulky 'Mickey Mouse Ears' (as the mounted missile racks are affectionately known) give the 'Mech something of an iconic profile. Mad Cats have jockeyed with the Atlas for cover art positions since the early nineties in an ongoing running battle which their various progeny designs have more than readily taken up after their parents. Today, we're going to take a look at the history of this iconic design that menaced Inner Sphere Commanders around the world since their introduction in 1990 (real-life). While you're here, don't forget to book a demo session and swing by the store to learn to play, if you don't already know how. Though a cutting edge machine at [...]

By |2021-03-24T10:41:21+08:00March 17th, 2021|Articles, BattleTech, Board Games, Items, Miniature Games, News|

DA’ BIG MEK’S LOOTED ‘FING LOT – Chaos Space Marines Noctilith Crown

OEI. WE'Z GIVEN DA WEB BOFFINS A RIGHT KRUMPIN' AN DIS 'ERE'S AN ORK PAGE NOW. WE'Z LOOTIN' DA STORE FER GUBBINS AN WE'Z GOT DA GUDS IF YA BRING DA TEEF.  So, now that the Hammerhead is off to a good home, next up is a brand-new-in-box piece of Chaos Space Marine terrain. If you enjoy the idea of just squatting your gunline behind a 5+ Invulnerable save, look no further folks. CHAOS SPACE MARINE NOCTILITH CROWN 40% OFF We're going to be placing these items up for sale one at a time in both Games @ PI and on our webstore. As they sell, we'll replace them with a fresh item. If it doesn't clear within a 3-day period, we'll swap it out for a fresh item as well. Items sold as is. First-come-first served. Webstore Flash Sale - Chaos Space Marines Noctilith Crown.

By |2021-03-16T11:55:13+08:00March 16th, 2021|Flash Sale, Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer 40k|


Hey PI-Fans, Boy, we've been talking about Piety and Pain a lot haven't we. But now that Warhammer Community has provided a pretty final set of confirmations that the box set is now in the pipeline, we're closing pre-registration of interests.  After all, it wouldn't be a pre-registration of interest if you were directly interested. So... this is the final call as we put on Semisonic's 'Closing Time' and shoo away all the "I'm interested but..." people. Last call folks. Pre-registration of interest and any possible bonuses close at 3 pm today, 15/03/21. Don't say Bojio. FINAL CALL: CLOSES 15/3/21 1500 HRS  WARHAMMER 40,000: PIETY AND PAIN BOX SET EARLY RESERVATION BONUS 30% OFF FINAL RETAIL PRICE   Secure your copy now. $100 deposit, placeable at Games @ PI or at the Games @ PI Webstore.* BUT WAIT... THERE'S MORE... Make a pre-reservation for 3 boxes and get a 40% discount [...]

By |2021-03-15T11:01:37+08:00March 15th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer 40k|

DA’ BIG MEK’S LOOTED ‘FING LOT – Space Marine Storm Raven

OEI. WE'Z GIVEN DA WEB BOFFINS A RIGHT KRUMPIN' AN DIS 'ERE'S AN ORK PAGE NOW. WE'Z LOOTIN' DA STORE FER GUBBINS AN WE'Z GOT DA GUDS IF YA BRING DA TEEF.    Well... folks. That didn't last very long at all did it? One Land Raider in, one Land Raider out. Let's continue shall we. Next up, is an unclaimed Space Marine Storm Raven Gunship, also still in original shrink wrap. Like the Land Raider before it, we're letting this one go at a steal as well. SPACE MARINE STORM RAVEN 40% OFF We're going to be placing these items up for sale one at a time in both Games @ PI and on our webstore. As they sell, we'll replace them with a fresh item. If it doesn't clear within a 3-day period, we'll swap it out for a fresh item as well. Items sold as is. First-come-first [...]

By |2021-03-13T09:42:01+08:00March 13th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer 40k|

DA’ BIG MEK’S LOOTED ‘FING LOT – Space Marine Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer

OEI. WE'Z GIVEN DA WEB BOFFINS A RIGHT KRUMPIN' AN DIS 'ERE'S AN ORK PAGE NOW. WE'Z LOOTIN' DA STORE FER GUBBINS AN WE'Z GOT DA GUDS IF YA BRING DA TEEF.  Right. So, apparently after going through the vaults, we've unearthed a stack of brand new Games Workshop kits, still in their original shrink wrap. In the spirit of a flash sale, we figured we'd let you folks, our dear PI Fans, take a crack at them. Here's how it's going to work. We're going to be placing these items up for sale one at a time in both Games @ PI and on our webstore. As they sell, we'll replace them with a fresh item. If it doesn't clear within a 3-day period, we'll swap it out for a fresh item as well. Items sold as is. First-come-first served. First up is this Space Marine Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer [...]

By |2021-03-12T16:06:20+08:00March 12th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer 40k|

‘Mech March – Meet, Greet and Beat the Elemental

Hey PI-Fans, In another Science-Fiction property, a two-meter tall infantryman wearing powered armor capable of leaping across the field in ninety-meter bounds and shrugging off hits by tank-grade weaponry would probably be a protagonist faction. Not so much in BattleTech. This isn't to say that Elemental infantry battlesuits aren't dangerous, but in the BattleTech universe, these hulking battle armor wearing soldiers get no special privileges. At the same time, even in a universe of giant battling robots, ignore them at your own peril -  a determined squad of Elementals can bring even the largest of war machines crashing down missing a leg. Would you like to know more? Then keep reading and don't forget to book a demo session and swing by the store to learn to play, if you don't already know how.   Based on the Water Elemental, a hostile environment pressurized mining suit then in industrial use [...]

By |2021-03-11T13:50:54+08:00March 11th, 2021|BattleTech, Board Games, Events, Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions|


Hey PI-Fans, When they announced it, the Games @ PI Team were extremely excited over a new Warhammer Quest set. Having had good experiences in The Silver Tower, Shadows Over Hammerhal and Blackstone Fortress, we're looking forward to more opportunity for adventuring. With the Warhammer Community Website's continued focus on Warhammer Quest: Cursed City continuing, the writing team has opted to look at the modular tiles that comprise the street and building environments of the Cursed City of Ulfenkarn. Focusing on the indoor and outdoor locations of the city of Ulfenkarn, these varied urban city tiles will be the site of many a harrowing battle as a motley crew of heroes takes the fight to Radukar the Wolf across the ruined streets of this embattled city of the damned. Unfortunately, despite their teasing, we still have no clue when Games Workshop plans to roll out their new box game, but [...]

By |2021-03-10T16:27:08+08:00March 10th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer AOS|


Hey PI-Fans, Looks like Games Workshop is pushing out another of their 'two-player' battle boxes throwing the Adeptus Sororitas and their new Palatine Erika Luminas up against Lelith Hesperax. Yes. A nameless Lieutenant character against what is arguably one of the setting's greatest gladiators... While we at Games @ PI don't put much stock on the scrub character surviving, we do know Sororitas players have been praying to the God Emperor for a chance to grab the Palatine and... well... the Finecast Lelith is.... well... Finecast. While we don't know the price of the final box yet, we do know there's going to be demand and we'd like to make sure those who want the box get theirs. So do let us know if you want a copy. Adepta Sororitas Palentine Immolator Retributor Squad Drukhari Lilith Scourges Wyches Venom And as always, as thanks, we've got a spicy little bonus [...]

By |2021-03-09T21:34:20+08:00March 9th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer 40k|
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