‘Mech March – Signups for 12/3 and Week 1 Photos

Hey PI-Fans,  We left a trail of destroyed machine on Friday with many different players having lined up to learn to pilot their giant stompy robots into combat. Our combat correspondents were on hand to capture shots of the mayhem, so keep on scrolling if you want to see pictures of people having fun. As always, we're going to keep the good times going, so if you want in on the BattleMech Mayhem we've unleashed, don't forget to sign up below for the second demo session on Friday, 12th March, 6 - 9pm  As always, bring a friend if you can find one (Or don't. We won't judge).  Book now!   A Stinger and Wasp match up is a classic engagement to get people into the 'speed is life' mindset of "Bug 'Mech" pilots. Abby and How Teng graduating beyond 1v1 to a Lance on Lance [...]

By |2021-03-08T13:41:37+08:00March 8th, 2021|BattleTech, Board Games, Events, Items, Miniature Games, News|

‘Mech March – BattleTech Demos and a Promo

Hey PI-Fans,  If you're following along to the sound of the giant robot footfalls, you'll be aware that there will be ongoing learn-to-play tutorials for BattleTech on Friday evenings in the month of March. If this is the first time you're hearing this, well, congratulations, Cadet... Welcome aboard. The first session is coming up Friday, 5th March, 6 - 9pm and we'll supply everything you need to start shooting manmade lightning and lobbing missiles at each other. Bring a friend (or don't if you can't find one). We'll supply the pew pew. Just don't bring the QQ. Book now! If you're interested, here's a reminded that the Games @ PI BattleTech Bundle is also available for all you aspiring 'MechCommanders. Get the A Game of Armored Combat and Clan Invasion boxes in a single purchase and we'll throw in a complementary copy of the BattleTech Beginner box. THE BATTLETECH [...]

By |2021-03-02T17:05:03+08:00March 2nd, 2021|BattleTech, Board Games, Events, Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions|

‘Mech March – Learn-to-Play BattleTech

Hey PI-Fans, Since the eighties, BattleTech is one of the definitive Western Science-Fiction settings for giant stompy robot battles and the Games @ PI Management Team makes little-to-no attempt to hide the fact that we're all massive fans. Now, with an all new trilogy of box sets, containing a brand new wave of plastic miniatures, it's never been easier to get into this classic wargame of battling bots and the Games @ PI Team is here to teach you how. Plus if you scroll to the end, there's a spicy little bonus. Bring a friend down on a Friday evening in March (05/03, 12/03, 19/03, 26/03) to our beginner friendly table and we'll teach you how to play! No friends free on the day? Imaginary friends welcome! Come down and we'll teach you anyway. Book now!     And to get you started, we've even got [...]

By |2021-03-02T17:04:45+08:00February 26th, 2021|Board Games, Events, Items, Miniature Games|


Hey PI-Fans, So you've stormed the hallways of a Silver Tower and fought your way through the chamber of a Blackstone Fortress - moving right along, Games Workshop has been bigging up an all new Warhammer Quest Boxed Game set in the cursed city of Ulfenkarn as a team of heroes, antiheroes, misfits and a very hungry ogor stalk Radukar, the vampiric lord of the city through the ruined streets while fighting off wave after wave of his foul minions. Warhamer Quest: Cursed City is coming SOON TM, and though the final price has  as with hobbyists salivating to get their hands on the pretty new models in the box, we're taking reservations for the upcoming set.   WARHAMMER QUEST: CURSED CITY EARLY RESERVATION BONUS 30% OFF FINAL RETAIL PRICE   Secure your copy now. $100 deposit, placeable at Games @ PI or at the Games @ PI Webstore. Reservation [...]

By |2021-02-23T15:17:08+08:00February 23rd, 2021|Board Games, Items, Miniature Games, New items, News, Promotions, Warhammer AOS|


Hey PI-Fans, The Warhammer Community website has been fairly aggressively hinting that the next Kill Team two-player box 'Pariah Nexus' is in the pipeline.* Whether you're a Marine Captain after the all new Heavy Intercessors with their chunky T5 or a Necron Lord going gaga over the possibility of just messing with the flow of time with the Necron Chronomancer **, players of both armies will be wanting a piece of the action.***     We know there are a lot of players out there salivating at the chance to get their hands on new toys to bolster their collections, so we've decided we're going to make things easier for you. While Games Workshop has been playing fairly coy with the pricing for the upcoming box****, we're offering a special opportunity to reserve a copy of Kill Team - Pariah Nexus in advance. *****   EARLY RESERVATION BONUS 30% OFF [...]

By |2021-02-23T15:20:41+08:00February 20th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, New items, News, Promotions, Warhammer 40k|

Adeptus Astartes Blood Angel Crimson Spear Strike Force – Flash Sale

Hey PI-Fans, Plunge into battle with the Blood Angels Adeptus Astartes with the Crimson Spear Strike Force and take the fight to the enemy in vicious close combat. Pick it up in person at our retail store or place an order at our webstore while stocks last. ADEPTUS ASTARTES BLOOD ANGELS CRIMSON SPEAR STRIKE FORCE $183 FLASH SALE PRICE*   Blood Angels Chaplain with Jump Pack, both a deadly combatant in his own right and a valuable leader for your forcesBlood Angels Captain in Terminator Armour, an indomitable commander of the sons of Sanguinius 10 Space Marine Primaris Intercessors, versatile objective-holders at the heart of any Space Marine army5 Death Company Marines with Jump Packs – frenzied berzerkers capable of tearing foes limb from limb5 Sanguinary Guard, elite jump infantry armed with a variety of Baal’s finest weaponsBaal Predator, a fast moving strike tank equipped with either assault cannons or [...]

By |2021-02-18T17:38:11+08:00February 18th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games|

A Quick Look Inside The Victory At Sea Rulebook

Hey PI-Fans, I'm not exactly shy about admitting I have a thing for World War 2 Naval Warfare, so Victory at Sea looks to be my jam. The book just floated into the store yesterday and some people have asked me about what's in the core rulebook. While this isn't anywhere close to a full review, I figured I'd take a couple of quick photos of this very pretty book on a potato camera. If enough people want, I'll come back and give my full thoughts with less potato quality pictures once I've had time to digest it. In the meantime, you can pick up the book at the Games @ PI Store or on our webstore. - Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager      

By |2021-02-17T14:24:09+08:00February 16th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, New items, News|

Through Hell and High Water… – 15-02-21

Hey PI-Fans, Just because we're now awash with promotions on the board game and miniature fronts for the month of February doesn't mean we've given up bringing in new toys to tickle your fancy. The new stuff is going to keep coming, so don't go running for the lifeboats just yet. Admirals On Deck! If you've got anything resembling a passing interest in World War 2 naval combat, you owe it to yourself to go check out the Victory at Sea Core Rulebook. This hefty full-colour tome not only contains the rules you'll need to start lobbing 15-inch shells in every direction, but comes loaded with fleet lists for the six major naval powers of the Second World War to take to sea. The rulebook even devotes a good chunk of itself to explaining the conditions leading up to the Naval Treaties which shaped naval design, naval doctrine and historical [...]

By |2021-02-15T23:11:34+08:00February 15th, 2021|Board Games, Items, Miniature Games, News|

Astra Militarum Bastion Platoon – Flash Sale

Hey PI-Fans, For many of us, like it or loathe it, lacing up the boots and strapping on the helmet is a time honored tradition. If you look back fondly on those memories (or even if you doesn't), we've got a flash sale for you that may stoke that sense of nostalgia of the time in green. After all, you're in the Guard now, son. Pick it up in person at our retail store or place an order at our webstore while stocks last. ASTRA MILITARUM BASTION PLATOON $183 FLASH SALE PRICE*   Astra Militarum Bastion Platoon 1 Cadian Command Squad 2 Cadian Infantry Squads 1 Cadian Heavy Weapon Squad 1 Astra Militarum Sentinel/Armoured Sentinel Dual Kit 1 Astra Militarum Chimera 1 Astra Militarum Hydra/Wyvern Dual Kit The Astra Militarum Bastion Platoon is a perfect way to start an Astra Militarum army, coming chock full of bits to tool out [...]

By |2021-02-17T14:17:14+08:00February 15th, 2021|Board Games, Items, Miniature Games, New items, News, Promotions|

Warhammer 40,000 Items for Pre-Order – January 30, 2021

Hey PI-Warhammer fans, It's time for Warhammer Pre-Orders and coming up next week are the Dark Angels! Also featuring new units for Space Marines and Necrons!    Codex Supplement: Dark Angels - $33.60 (retail $42) Pre-Order this from our Webstore!   Datacards: Dark Angels - $20.80 (retail $26) Pre-Order this from our Webstore!   Combat Patrol: Dark Angels - $164 (retail $205) Pre-Order this from our Webstore!   Space Marines: Storm Speeder - $81.60 (retail $102) Pre-Order this from our Webstore!   Space Marines: Bladeguard Veterans - $60 (retail $75) Pre-Order this from our Webstore!   Space Marines: Primaris Eradicators - $60 (retail $75) Pre-Order this from our Webstore!   Necrons: Psychomancer - $43.20 (retail $54) Pre-Order this from our Webstore!   Warhammer Underworlds: Khagra's Ravagers - $48 (retail $60) Pre-Order this from our Webstore!   Dawn of Fire: The Gate of Bones - $19.20 (retail $24) Book 2 in [...]

By |2021-01-30T10:06:15+08:00January 30th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, New items, News, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer AOS|
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