The Law of Shipment Attraction: Holiday Edition
Hey PI-Fans, I've always posited that shipments are magnetic and no matter their shipping source, they'll find a way to all pile up and drop in on you at the exact same moment. We've seen huge stacks of product just flood in from all over the world including some incredibly sought after restocks. Titles like Dixit, Citadels, Tsuro and the Carcassonne Travel Edition might need no introduction and seasoned wargamers might not even blink at restocks of the BattleTech: Total Warfare core book, but that's really the tip of the iceberg really. In addition to a stack of new stock for both the Arkham Horror LCG and Marvel Champions LCG, we've also got the rollout of three new big box board games, including the long-sought after reimplementation of the modern classic Battlestar Galactica as Unfathomed, a Cthulhu Mythos themed board game which brings the traitor driven paranoia to a steamer [...]