News and updates on what’s going on

Give the Gift of Gaming this Holiday

Hey PI-Fans, The holiday season has always been a period to spend more time with friends and family and obviously, the Games @ PI team would recommend a board game or two during the festive season. The Games @ PI team being fans of games should come as no surprise. The word 'Games' is in our store name after all. To this end, the Games @ PI team has prepared a list of titles that we personally enjoy as gamers - to share the gift of gaming during this period, we're doing something crazy and putting "The Staff's Pick" titles on sale for members. This includes everything from perennial evergreen titles like Pandemic and Dixit all the way to escape room a detective titles like the Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective and Unlock! Whether you're looking for a gift for a friend or just something to spice up your own holiday [...]

By |2022-12-13T17:02:02+08:00December 13th, 2022|News, Promotions|

A Shelf of Shiney

Hey PI-Fans, If you're wondering where the team has gone... well, in a classic case of laws of shipment attraction*, thanks to a combination of freight and Thanksgiving, everything kind of rolled up into this giant deathball of a shipment. TLDR: Azul: Master Chocolatier, Bag of Chips, Burger ASAP, Challengers, Family Business, Hand-to-Hand Wombat, Mind MGMT, Squid Game, Ticket to Ride: San Francisco, Villainous in stock. On the board game front, the suddenly overloaded New Games shelf should speak for itself, with new editions of classic titles as well as a whole stack of weirder ones. This is going to be a word salad wall of text, so hang on. There's a big food theme going this year, starting with Azul: Master Chocolatier, a candy themed limited edition of the classic Azul board game. Trundling up to the shelves is a reprint of Ramen Fury, along with the probability management [...]

By |2022-12-10T11:24:07+08:00December 10th, 2022|Board Games, Items, News|

Pokémon Family Learn to Play

18 December 2pm – 5pm Entry Fee: $40 per kit Come down and learn how to play the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Each participant will receive a Build and Battle Box. Contains a ready-to-play 40 card deck that we will be using to teach how to play the game. Understand the Objective of the game and learn how to make use of your growing collection of Pokémon Cards. Meet new friends and challenge each other in friendly battles. Things that would be covered. For Kids Basics of gameplay Opening of packs Care and storage of collection For Parents Understanding benefits of the game Differentiation of Authentic and Counterfeit products  Usage Pokémon Live Online Service Prior board game experience is helpful but not required. All you need to bring is an open mind for learning a new hobby. Parents are recommended to participate in learning the game as well. [...]

By |2022-12-09T14:18:28+08:00December 9th, 2022|News|

Magic: The Gathering Brother’s War – Nov 18

Hey PI-Fans, The latest Magic: The Gathering set Brother's War releases today, folks. If you're up to putting the Bother in Brother  and taking a trip back to the classic giant robot fights of a classic era of Magic The Gathering history, why not pop down to the store and pick up a Set Booster or two?

By |2022-11-18T12:32:28+08:00November 18th, 2022|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|

Swords & Stationery and Games @ PI Collab: Roll Persuasion

Hey PI-Fans, Last Sunday, we ran the Roll Persuasion – How to be an Effective Communicator With Your Child workshop at Games @ PI with Swords & Stationery. Conducting the workshop was our speaker Shaun, from S&S, himself an accredited educator. Shaun gave a stirring lecture on the basis of communication and talked about why parent-child relationships broke down. An avid gamer himself, Shaun also had recommendations for many games he used in his classes as well as titles he himself was fond of. Shaun will be back this week for his second session, Young Minds, Steel Hearts where he discusses the challenges and techniques of running RPGs with a younger audience in mind. Young Minds, Steel Hearts – Designing and Running an RPG Session for Kids 13th November 2022, 6.30 - 8.00 pm This workshop is for parents of children and teens between the ages of 7 to 14. [...]

By |2022-11-08T20:39:36+08:00November 8th, 2022|Events, News|

Taking Photos of Pokemon – S&S Charizard Ultra Premium Collection and Picture Perfect

Hey PI-Fans, Another week chugging along, another week of new products hitting the shelves. We're taking a brief break from out MTG Learn to Play Event (come and play with us btw) to take another TCG out for a spin. We've gotten our allocation of Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield Ultra-Premium Collection—Charizard (that's a mouthful), featuring the original 'not-dragon' dragon Charizard, so if you want to secure yours, shoot us a call ASAP. On the board game front, Picture Perfect has hit the shelves, a chaotic photography board game of wrangling participants with often contradictory desires into the best possible positions to take an event photo in a game that will have you shoving around physical standees to fulfil the demands of the photo participants to the best of your ability. They're weird bedfellows to arrive at the same time, but this does little to detract from them being awesome [...]

By |2022-11-03T13:21:15+08:00November 3rd, 2022|Board Games, Items, News, Pokemon TCG|

Sibling Squabbles – MTG Learn to Play Event

As the Brothers' War approaches, players are going to have to pick sides between Urza's Iron Alliance and Mishra's Burnished Banner. Brother versus Brother locked in a war that lasted for decades, devastating Terisiare, before the dramatic conclusion on the verdant island Argoth. Travel back through time, glimpse through the lens of Dominaria's locations, characters, and victims of the conflict and see a plane-spanning conflict escalate with artifacts, giant constructs, and beyond.   Interesting in finding out more about the upcoming Magic Expansion Brothers' War? Join the Brothers' War Pre-release and experience the Antiquities War yourself. Pre-release details Date: 12th November 2022 Time: 1pm - 6pm Fee: $35 Prizes: 3 wins = 4 Set Boosters 2 wins = 2 Set Boosters 1/0 wins = 1 Set Boosters   Not sure how to play Magic the Gathering? Come down to Games@PI and try out the game. Pick from the [...]

By |2022-10-31T21:39:02+08:00October 31st, 2022|News|

Spies, Lies and Supplies and Surviving Singapore

Hey PI-Fans, There's a pair of new releases on our shelves this week, with "Spies, Lies and Supplies" an elegant standalone expansion to the  two player strategy duel that is "Air, Land Sea". Also now in-stock is "Surviving Singapore", SGAG's newest board game about the trials and tribulations of Singaporean life.     Surviving Singapore is a strategy card game where players attempt to overcome obstacles, and be the first to reach the level 8 to win the game. From running out of toilet paper, losing your IC, to being in the same room as a cockroach that can fly. Can you survive all the obstacles that SG can throw at you? For 3 to 6 players Ages 8+ About 20 minutes   Spies, Lies & Supplies is the sequel to the classic Air, Land & Sea and once again places the players in a commanding role during World War [...]

By |2022-10-28T17:47:24+08:00October 28th, 2022|News|

Stardew Valley and an Empire Alone

Hey PI-Fans, Strange how shipping works in this day and age. You plan out arrival schedules and this absolutely wonky combination of things just drops out of the ether together despite being staggered orders. After being lost in the warp and having basically gone around the world, our shipment of Empire Alone sourcebooks for BattleTech has finally been delivered after delays. Also somehow arriving together is another batch of ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley board game, a cooperative board game set in the same setting of the bestselling indie farming life-sim. The first time we had it in, it basically just entirely disappeared, so we recommend grabbing your copy ASAP. Otherwise, there's plenty of restocks of classic titles like Sushi Go Party that people have been clamoring about. Here's to a great weekend, folks. - Kenneth From the new ilKhan on Terra comes word to the Wolf Empire of their Clan’s victory. [...]

By |2022-10-21T21:08:13+08:00October 21st, 2022|BattleTech, Board Games, Items, News|

Random Roleplaying Restocks

Hey PI-Fans, Just a minor heads up that a small carton has drifted into the store, containing a smattering of esoterica. The anime themed Tabletop Roleplaying Games for both Konosuba: God's Blessing on this Wonderful World and Goblin Slayer are back on our shelves, though we have no idea how long that will last for. In addition, we've acquired a small supply of Hero Kids, a family friendly Role Playing Game system designed for parents to share the joys of roleplaying with their young ones. The Hero Kids system, of course, is also the preferred system of choice for the upcoming Young Minds, Steel Hearts: Designing and Running an RPG Session for Kids workshop to be conducted by Swords & Stationery at Games @ PI on Sun, 13 November 2022. Together with it's companion lecture Roll Persuasion: How to Be an Effective Communicator With Your Child, S&S hopes to pass [...]

By |2022-10-14T17:49:01+08:00October 14th, 2022|Items, News, Role Playing Games|
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