News and updates on what’s going on

Pokémon World Championship Celebration Sale

  Greeting Pokéfans. With the Pokemon World Championships taking place this week. Games@PI will be running a sale promotion for all Pokémon Trading Card Game Products. From the 18th of August to 31st of August, 2022. Enjoy a 15% Discount off any PTCG Boxed product (Excluding Booster Packs), and a 10% discount off when you purchase 6 or more booster packs. Interested in watching competitive play of the Pokémon Trading Card Game? Head on to the official Pokémon Stream to catch games live throughout this dates.\ Thursday, August 18: 4:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. SGT — Day 1 Swiss Friday, August 19: 4:00 p.m. to 4:15 a.m. SGT — Day 2 Swiss Saturday, August 20: 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. SGT — Single Elimination Top Cut Sunday, August 21: 4:00 p.m. SGT — Junior, Senior, and Masters Division Finals play sequentially

By |2022-08-21T16:44:24+08:00August 18th, 2022|News, Pokemon TCG, Promotions|

New Catan Expansion and a Catan and Ticket to Ride Promo

CATAN TRAVELERS, DRAGONS & ADVENTURERS NOW AVAILABLE AT GAMES @ PI AND WEBSTORE Hey PI-Fans, There's an all new Catan expansion on the shelves. Travelers, Dragons & Adventurers is an expansion for Cities & Knights and Seafarers and shakes up the usual Catan formula with treasure hunting, canal building and dragon slaying.  It's now available both at Games @ PI and on our webstore! As an added little bonus, for those of you looking to expand your games, we're putting out a little in-store promo for people looking to pick up an expansion or two from the Ticket to Ride of the Catan range in-person. Here's how it's going to work: Each additional Catan or Ticket to Ride product purchased beyond the first in a single receipt will provide an additional 5% discount off the final amount for all titles for that product range, up to a total of 15% [...]

By |2022-08-16T20:07:50+08:00August 16th, 2022|Board Games, Items, New items, News, Promotions|

Exploding Kittens – More Than Just Exploding Kittens

Hey PI-Fans, Exploding Kittens as a brand has taken off in a huge way and you might be familiar with the competitive Push-Your-Luck Last-Person-Standing party fest that are Exploding Kittens and it's spin-offs. However, with a variety of party, dexterity and word games at their disposal, the Exploding Kittens company is about WAY more than Exploding Kittens.  If you just want the Exploding Kittens experience, it's not just the little red box. There's many different ways to get the game started, including the Classic, NSFW, 2-Player, Party Pack, Recipes for Disaster or even the standalone Exploding Minions Box. The Classic, NSFW and Recipes for Disaster boxes are the traditional way to play for two-to-five players, though you can boost the overall number of participants by smashing two sets together. The new 2-player edition is perfect for this, being balanced as a two-player version of Exploding Kittens, while also functioning as [...]

By |2022-08-12T13:05:39+08:00August 12th, 2022|Board Games, Card Games, Items, New items, News|

Stella – A Dixit Universe Game

Hey PI-Fans, If you're a fan of Dixit, you owe it yo yourself to check out Stella - A Dixit Universe Game, now available at Games @ PI and via our webstore. Stella is Dixit designer Jean-Louis Roubira's revisiting of the classic Dixit formula, playing like a cross between Dixit and Codenames as players try to match wavelengths with each other in a brilliant twist on the traditional gameplay. Gone is the storyteller. Instead players try to match the classic Dixit artwork to theme words, secretly trying to ensure that their points of view line up with another player (and preferably only one) while attempting to balance that against the number of cards selected and trying not the be the person who chose the largest portfolio of picture cards. Featuring the same stunning art-style of classic Dixit cards, Stella can be played on it's own, but cards from Dixit and [...]

By |2022-08-09T12:05:08+08:00August 9th, 2022|Board Games, Items, New items, News|

Refilling The Catan Trading Port

Hey PI-Fans, We've just had a chunky load of Catan float into port and we figured we probably ought to just highlight that the base range of Catan sets, Expansions and Extensions are back in-stock, including Seafarers, Traders & Barbarians, Explorers & Pirates and the much sought after Cities & Knights. There's more on the way as we work our way through the stack of boxes, so expect us to be even more giddy with excitement throughout the week.   - Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager

By |2022-08-03T21:52:52+08:00August 3rd, 2022|Board Games, Items, News|

Came for the Giant Robots, Stayed for the Politics – A BattleTech Guided Tour

Hey PI-Fans, There's an old hoary chestnut that comes up amongst BattleTech fans about new technology. Time marches on though. Technical Readout 3067 is twenty years old. The now defunct MechWarrior: Dark Age collectable miniatures game launched that year as well. Catalyst Game Labs has stewarded the BattleTech liscence for longer than FASA at this point.  It's been some thirty-real world years since the original Clan Invasion storyline, and there's been some big movers and shakers in the Inner Sphere since. With the ongoing timeline now trundling forward into uncharted waters, it's a great time to get up to speed. Here's a penny tour of the BattleTech universe. Expect Spoilers, if decades old plot reveals can actually be considered spoilers.   The Universe of Warfare that many of us have grown to love and/or tolerate effectively departs from our own in 2018 when two scientists - Thomas Kearny and Takayoshi [...]

By |2022-08-10T13:11:26+08:00July 30th, 2022|BattleTech, Items, Miniature Games, News|

Pokémon GO – The TCG Set Elite Trainer Box and Radiant Eevee Premium Collection

Hey PI-Fans,  I'm not out-of-touch with reality to make a Pokémon GO TO THE POLLS joke, as tempting as it might be. What we have on hand however, is the release of the second wave of Pokémon GO CCG sets, including the Elite Trainer Box and Radiant Eevee Premium Collection. With Pokémon GO CCG Boosters currently unavailable to purchase, these sets represent the best way to get your hands on cards from those sets and an excellent way to supplements the Pokémon GO Alolan Exeggcutor V and Team Leader Collections and Trainer Toolkit. As before, each of the following three Pokémon GO products comes with a promotional Professor Willow themed Professor’s Research card as well as a Pokémon GO themed Pikachu. Each Professor’s Research comes printed with a unique redeemable code designed to be redeemed in the Pokémon GO app itself (Codes Expire 31 July 2023). POKEMON GO ELITE TRAINER BOX  Gear [...]

By |2022-07-25T18:49:26+08:00July 25th, 2022|Card Games, Items, News, Pokemon TCG|

Quirky Circuits: Penny & Gizmo’s Snow Day! Now Available

Hey PI-Fans, Another week, another release. This time, its Quirky Circuits: Penny & Gizmo's Snow Day!, a wacky programming themed cooperative board game where players must work together to send a little robot friend careening across the board like a cat on a roomba. Well... there actually IS A CAT ON A ROOMBA... In Quirky Circuits, players must successfully program a set of sequential actions for their little robot buddies using their command cards without communication. Chase down dust bunnies with the vacuum cleaning Gizmo and collect flags on a slalom course with the skiing Penny the Penguin! Players have only limited information as to which cards their teammates have played, raising the stakes with each action played. Program wrongly and your robo-friend could be left spinning its wheels in a corner as they run out of batteries. This adorable little logic puzzler is playable at 2-4 players, with [...]

By |2022-07-19T14:01:24+08:00July 19th, 2022|Board Games, Items, News|

Paint A Pretty Picture – New Citadel Paint Ranges Available

Hey PI-Fans, It's been a wild weekend for the Games @ PI Team, but we figured we should mention that the new Citadel Colour paints are on our shelves including the new contrast and shade paints! It's also worth mentioning that they are applicable for the ongoing July Paint Promotion so if you want to try out the colours for yourself, it might be a good idea to take advantage of this special deal this month. Buy Any 4 Pots of Citadel Paint and Get the 5th Pot Free  

By |2022-07-17T21:58:39+08:00July 17th, 2022|Items, News, Promotions|

Trails – A New Parks Game

Hey PI-Fans, Are you looking for elegant little game small enough to stuff in a pocket? Consider Henry Audubon's TRAILS, a tiny reimplementation of his nature focused Parks and rocket-retro Space Park. As a purely standalone title, TRAILS is illustrated with beautiful minimalistic art that takes players on a hike across the landscapes of various National Parks in the United States. In TRAILS, players hike back and forth along the trail, collecting rocks, acorns and leaves; taking pictures; and encountering wildlife to gain bonuses. At trailhead and trail end, you can turn in resources to earn badges, after which you start back in the other direction. As players meander up and down the paths, the sun slowly sets, transforming locations from day to night and making their options even more powerful, but the setting sun also serves as a timer to mark the end of the game meaning the clock [...]

By |2022-07-14T20:58:49+08:00July 14th, 2022|Board Games, Items, News|
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