News and updates on what’s going on

A Fortnight of Games @ PI – Also NS55 Vouchers Spendable Here

Hey PI-Fans, We're into the second half of 2022, so how is your July rolling? The Games @ PI Team is chugging along, as we continue our ongoing efforts to keep you, supplied with cool stuff! Games @ PI accepts NS55 Credits via Paynow and Nets transactions. For those amongst you with NS55 Credits burning a hole in your pocket, we're happy to help you convert that into cool stuff like games, hobby supplies and miniatures without the need for you to go running to a certain supermarket chain. All you need to do is download the Life SG App and use it during payment - being a regular payment, you can even use it to take advantage of some of our ongoing promos. This includes loading up on paint in our ongoing Paintstravaganza! promotion  or knocking a chunk off the Warhammer Horus Heresy Catchup Deployment bundle. Alternatively, you can [...]

Everybody Lies – A Batman Detective Game

Hey PI-Fans,  Let me just get this out of the way. In 'Everybody Lies', you don't play Batman. Instead, players mosey around Gotham as one of four 'allied' investigators, journalist Warren Spacey, reporter Vicki Vale, detective Harvey Bullock or the cat burglar Selina Kyle, working together to crack cases. Each player will ultimately have access to different sets of information while also possessing secret 'hidden agenda' mechanic with goals they need to complete and their own win conditions, an elegant solution to the problem of the 'table tyrant' in an investigative game. To succeed, players must gather clues and information regarding the case, often forcing them to utilize police and underworld connections, and occasionally turn to the Dark Knight himself while looking up information on a digital database of clues using the Detective App that reveals hidden information like a game master in an escape room. In Everybody Lies, players utilize [...]

By |2022-07-08T13:46:42+08:00July 8th, 2022|News|

Catchup Deployment – Warhammer Horus Heresy Flash Sale Promotion

Hey PI-Fans, 'I was there, the day Horus slew the Emperor. ' As the end of the 31st Millennium draws to a close, Brother marches against Brother as the Imperium of Man tears itself apart is an all consuming Civil War. Rumbling onto the field in all new plastic sculpts, there has never been a better time to leap into the Grim Darkness of the Far Future with the Age of Darkness box set. If you know how Games @ PI operates, the manager is bored and this leads to weird thing. We've got a flash sale up. Well technically two - one for the Loyalist players amongst you and one for the Traitors. WARHAMMER HORUS HERESY $500 LEGION BUNDLE Contains: Each bundle contains everything you need to start a Horus Heresy Army, including: – Praetor with Power Axe – Praetor with Power Sword – 10 Cataphractii Terminators – 40 [...]

By |2022-07-05T18:26:00+08:00July 5th, 2022|Board Games, Items, News, Promotions, Warhammer 40k|

BattleTech: A Range Restock

Hey PI-Fans, Across the Neofeudal battles of the Inner Sphere, a single maxim reigns - "Life is Cheap, BattleMechs aren't." The dropships are burning in-system fast, laden with a range-restock for the BattleTech range, including a 'Mech bay full of BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat boxes and a limited range restock of Clan Star and Inner Sphere Lance boxes. Our supply of BattleTech Salvage Boxes, each containing a random BattleMech and associated Alpha Strike cards, is also dwindling fast, so if you want in on the GachaTech action, you'd best act fast. On top of this, we've also managed to secure a small quantity of important support products, including the Alpha Strike Commander's Edition rulebook and Succession Wars and Clan Invasion Alpha Strike Cards to kick up the scale of warfare to the tactical level. If you want those Trinaries and Battalions of equipment you've been amassing to hit [...]

By |2022-07-04T17:13:58+08:00July 4th, 2022|BattleTech, Items, Miniature Games, News|

Pokémon GO – The TCG Set

Hey PI-Fans, A new shipment of Pokémon TCG products is now in-stock at Games @ PI and it's the perfect time to begin your Pokémon journey like a ten-year old shoved out of the house to become the very-best-there-ever-was. Taking a cue from the popular Pokémon GO ARRPG, three new Pokémon GO themed Pokémon TCG products and a new Trainer Kit are now on the Games @ PI Shelves. Be sure to act fast. Each of the following three Pokémon GO products comes with a promotional Professor Willow themed Professor's Research card as well as a Pokémon GO themed Pikachu. Each Professor's Research comes printed with a unique redeemable code designed to be redeemed in the Pokémon GO app itself (Codes Expire 31 July 2023). ** First up are the Pokémon GO Leader Collection sets, each containing six Pokémon GO TCG booster packs, currently only available in the Pokémon GO [...]

By |2022-07-03T19:46:45+08:00July 3rd, 2022|Card Games, Items, News, Pokemon TCG|

“Hey! You must be the new farmer in town! Nice to meet you!”

Hey PI-Fans, We've gotten our hands on a small stash of Eric Barone's STARDEW VALLEY - THE BOARD GAME, the official board game adaptation of the PC farm-life sim published by CONCERNEDAPE. Work together with your fellow farmers in this game of farming and friendship as 1 to 4 players work together to save the Valley from the nefarious Joja Corporation! To do this, you'll need to farm, fish*, friend and find all kinds of different resources to fulfill Grandpa's Goals and restore the Community Center. Collect all kinds of items, raise animals, and explore the Mine. Gain powerful upgrades and skills, and as the seasons pass, do your best to protect the magic of Stardew Valley! Stocks are limited, so we do recommend you act fast! I'll see you in the Valley, Folks. Just... don't let Pam drive. - Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager * I can [...]

By |2022-07-01T19:21:02+08:00July 1st, 2022|Board Games, Items, New items, News|


Greetings Painters and Praetors, Horus Heresy 2.0 has dropped, and Games@PI has some exciting events lined up to support battles of Horus' rebellion. Horus Heresy Painting Showcase: July Games@PI is hosting a monthly Horus Heresy Painting Showcase! Best painters of each category win a limited-edition Horus Heresy game token! But wait, how does it work? Partipants must assemble and paint a Horus Heresy Praetor, or Centurion Consul. Models must be submitted to Games@PI at #03-01 Midpoint Orchard before 8:30 on Sunday the 17th of July. Models may be collected from store from the 24th of July onwards. Stand a chance to win: A very limited Horus Heresy token Mad bragging rights Street cred   Paintstravaganza! In addition to and in support of the painting showcase, Games@PI is also having a Paintstravaganza! Now is the time to stock up on all your favorite Games Workshop paints!   Buy 4, get 1 [...]

By |2022-07-26T15:37:04+08:00July 1st, 2022|News|

Absolutely Splendid!

Greetings Merchants and Magnates, Grow your wealth, increase your prestige, and be the best around! Players up the role of merchants during the Renaissance. Buy gem mines, transportation, and shops! Acquire that prestige you so long for. Work the industry hard, and you may be graced by a noble, who’d undoubtedly increase your prestige still further.     But wait, how does it work exactly? Players take turns making one of the three actions listed below: Collect gem chips, If you choose to collect gem chips, you take either 3 different kinds of gems, or 2 of the same kind. Buy and build a card If you choose to buy and build a card, you pay it’s price in chips and add it to your play area. Reserve cards. If you choose to reserve a card, to ensure you acquire, and to deny it to your opponents, place it face [...]

By |2022-06-27T20:14:35+08:00June 27th, 2022|News|

Of Trains, Commanders and Bingo!

Greetings, Conductors and Commanders! The Commander deck, Commander Bundle, and Set Boosters for The Battle For Baldur's Gate are available! After a some shipment delays, they're finally in!  MTG Commander Nights! Come on down every Sunday, and join us in our weekly Commander events! Bring your favored commander deck down, get 2 set boosters with the $15 entry fee, and get cracking!  New to the Commander format, and don't have a deck? Fret not! We gotcha! Come on down, and enjoy *10% off any pre-built Commander Decks! We've got New-age Halloween (Innistrad: Midnight Hunt), Cyberpunk Ninjas (Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty), Space Mafias (Streets of New Capenna), and "So we heard you like D&D part II" (Commander Legends: Battle For Baldur's Gate). *10% off is stackable with membership discounts!   A Rail Great Game Ticket To Ride Europe 15th Anniversary Edition is a rail great game, and here's why we think so. [...]

By |2022-06-24T16:58:36+08:00June 24th, 2022|News|

A Taste of Heresy

Greetings, Legion Commanders! The Galaxy is split asunder! Horus has openly taken up arms against the Emperor! The shattered Legions laid low by the Warmaster's treachery! All over the galaxy, ancient grudges and discontent have broken out into open rebellion to the Emperor's rule. The clouds of war hang overhead, armies muster in every corner of the galaxy. Take up arms and defend the Emperor's dream of a galaxy united, or side with the Warmaster and set fire to the galaxy! Horus Heresy 2.0 is out in a big way, and we're here to support it best we can!  Horus Heresy Bingo! Games@PI has prepared a number of exciting events to make your Heresy all the more exciting! Introducing Horus Heresy Bingo!      The rules are simple, complete all the squares in a horizontal row, vertical row, or diagonal row (5 squares), and you'd have earned yourself 25% off [...]

By |2022-06-21T14:19:06+08:00June 20th, 2022|News|
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