News and updates on what’s going on

Lunar New Year Game Selections! – 27/01/24

Hey PI - Fans, Lunar New Year is right around the corner, and what better way to bring it in than with a brand new board game! Looking for Lunar New Year themed games? Want to ascend and finally claim your crown as the favourite aunt/uncle? Sick of all the questions about your relationship status? PI - Games has got you covered, with a game for every occasion! 1. Lunar New Year themed games Get snacking with Love Letter and Bag of Chips, and what better way to travel around the island but with Next Station, a Singapore MRT game? 2. Games for Nieces and Nephews Test your speed matching and pattern recognition ability with Dobble, sure to have everyone laughing and bewildered at how they didn't spot the shape first. Challenge your reflexes with Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza. Match the word to the picture on the [...]

By |2025-01-27T14:42:35+08:00January 27th, 2025|News|

Holiday Hours! – 25/01/25

Hey PI - Fans, Looking to grab that last minute game to bring to your family and friend gatherings? Not to worry, we got you covered! Our operating hours over the Lunar New Year are: Lunar New Year Eve (28/01/25): 12nn – 6pm Lunar New Year Day (29/01/25): Closed Business will resume as usual on on Day 2 of Lunar New Year (30/01/25)! Come in and pick up that new game to turn your gatherings from constantly answering too many too personal questions to fun gaming time!

By |2025-01-25T12:43:16+08:00January 25th, 2025|News|

News Roundup – 10/01/25

Hey PI - Fans, This week has been a huge week in board gaming, with multiple huge announcements from many game publishers. Without further ado, here are PI picks for the top news of the week! Finspan Announced With the success of Wingspan and Wyrmspan, Stonemaier games has designed another game set in the Wingspan universe, Finspan! Instead of birds or dragons, you are now a marine researcher seeking to find and observe an array of aquatic life in the colorful Sunlight Zone, ghostly Twilight Zone, and pitch-black Midnight Zone of the world’s seas and oceans. From early information and photos taken from Stonemaier games official website, Finspan will primarily work around the same mechanics as Wingspan and Wyrmspan, with the objective of the game being to grow your collection of fish, discover freshly laid eggs, and hatch eggs into young and consolidate young to form schools. The same engine [...]

By |2025-01-10T16:09:49+08:00January 10th, 2025|News|

BattleTech – Latest Releases – 03/01/25

Hey PI - Fans, We're  kicking off 2025 with a long awaited BattleTech release! With the resounding success of their 2023 Kickstarter campaign, Catalyst Games has released 3 Mech Packs alongside their core game expansion. Introducing... BattleTech: Mercenaries! Complete with 12 fully assembled BattleMechs and vehicles, a primer on the BattleTech universe, rulebook, punch-out tokens, game maps, pilot cards, and Battlefield Support cards, allowing you to build your own mercenary experience in any BattleTech era. Releasing along side BattleTech: Mercenaries are the Kickstarter exclusive Legendary MechWarriors II & III packs, as well as the Somerset Strikers ForcePack. These packs add on additional Mechs and vehicles to any BattleTech game, offering quick and easy ways to bring the flavor of combined arms tactics to your tabletop without slowing down the action. We are selling these sets on a first come first serve basis, at very limited quantities, so hurry on down [...]

By |2025-01-03T17:47:12+08:00January 3rd, 2025|News|

PI – Game Shelter

Hey PI - Fans. We are proud to introduce to you the PI - Game Shelter. Featured in here are many great games that we feel have flown under the radar, and we hope to put the spotlight on them and introduce them to you! Part of the charm of the Game Shelter is that we will be updating it periodically, based on which games we feel deserve a feature, so do keep a watch out for our website or our social media pages (Facebook and Instagram) for any updates. Our current Game Shelter offerings are: Unspeakable Words Deluxe Edition - $39 (U.P $69.90) Winter Queen - $40 (U.P $69.90) Dobble, Munchkin Loot Letter, & Taco Hat Cake Gift Pizza Bundle - $50 (U.P $65.70) Codenames, Codenames Duet, & Codenames: Singapore Edition - Any 3 for $99.90 (U.P $119.70) Pathfinders for Savage Worlds Core Rules & Bestiary - $108 (U.P [...]

By |2024-12-29T11:54:25+08:00December 29th, 2024|News, Promotions|

Blood on the Clocktower, Unstable Unicorns Expansions, Unlock Kids – Legend Stories, Apiary – 19/11/24

Hey PI-Fans, It's been a hot minute but the tide of stock, both big and small, continues to roll in. The headliner this time around is the large-scale social deduction game Blood on the Clocktower, a murder mystery game where a group of players must find the demon within their midst before the town falls victim to its predation. The worker-placement game Apiary is an option for those of the more serious bent, with swarms of uplifted bees engaging in space exploration and colonization in order to win the favor of the hive's queen. The lighter end of the scale sees expansions for Unstable Unicorns arrive, with the Nightmares, Adventures and Unicorns of Legend sets ready to bulk out any copy of Unstable Unicorns or the Unstable Unicorns NSFW edition. If you're entertaining a child while the games are underway, Unlock! Kids - Legendary Stories is another tool in the [...]

By |2024-11-19T16:49:07+08:00November 19th, 2024|Board Games, Card Games, Items, New items, News|

Magic Maze: Tower and In A Grove – 17/11/24

Hey PI-Fans, It's always the oddest thing isn't it? Always popular as a timed cooperative party game, Magic Maze is a cooperative board game about navigating a mall sold by us, a store a store in the mall. Having made the leap from the now defunct Dude Games to new publisher Sit Down Games, this new printing of Magic Maze has arrived on the scene along with it's spin off sequel Magic Maze Tower which sees the haplessly broke adventures from the original Magic Maze thrown into jail after their failed plot to acquire adventuring gear through larceny.  Keeping the unintentional crime theme going is the revised edition of In A Grove by Oink Games, another pocket sized deduction based minigame from the people who brought us Durian, Scout and Dokojong. In this pocket sized deduction game, players have to gauge which of the three suspects in a lineup are [...]

By |2024-11-17T15:37:17+08:00November 17th, 2024|Board Games, Card Games, Items, New items, News|

Tiny Epic Cthulhu, Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs and Coffee Rush – 05/11/24

Hey PI-Fans, Halloween's just over, but here at Games @ PI, we're believers that nothing is ever quite too late for Cthulhu. The great folks at Gamelyn have pushed out a brand-new Tiny Epic title, this time taking a teeny tiny swing at making a pocket sized Cthulhu game with the aptly named Tiny Epic Cthulhu and its expansion Cult of Chaos. Keeping with the theme of big games in small boxes comes an all new Gloomhaven title with the portable solo-player outing Gloomhaven: Buttons & Bugs, letting you take your itty-bitty board game adventure everywhere with you. If the horror and adventure themed games don't mesh well with you or your playgroup and you want something competitive though, there is always Coffee Rush, a comfy little action management set collection game by Korea Boardgame where competing Baristas attempt to rush around their workstations serving customers as fast as possible in [...]

By |2024-11-05T15:01:36+08:00November 5th, 2024|Board Games, Items, New items, News|

Criminal Capers and To Boldly Go – 03/11/24

Hey PI-Fans, Even as we inch into Novemember and the store prepares to load up for the year end Holiday Rush, the demand for new board games to excite the senses doesn't stop. Sure, we could just celebrate the fact that things like Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion, Root and Wyrmspan are topped up on the shelves, but if you're here for new possibilities, those don't do as much. Instead, we'll focus on the arrival of CGE's Starship Captains and Wiggles 3D's real-time cooperative investigative game 5-Minute Mystery.   Just moments before the Museum of Everything was set to unveil its newest exhibit, the priceless MacGuffin, some criminal snuck in and stole it! Now it's up to you, a team of detectives, to crack the case, find the culprit, and recover the missing MacGuffin. Like a cooperative of Guess Who, 5-Minute Mystery sees a team of players working together to [...]

By |2024-11-03T15:31:38+08:00November 3rd, 2024|Board Games, Items, New items, News|
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