News and updates on what’s going on

Fighters, Felines and Funfairs

Hey PI-Fans, We've furnished a fantastical feast of fancy fun. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, it's worth mentioning that one of our long delayed shipments has suddenly just popped out of thin air and made it's way to our shelves. Spread across the New Stuff shelf are three new titles and a pair of new expansions from some wildly varying from head-to-head wargames for those of the strategic persuasion to adorable furniture battles of feline domination. Card gamers can likewise, celebrate the arrival of new Pokemon, with a small restock of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 Elite Trainer Boxes, Mini Tins and Zapdos Collection Boxes. If you're curious about  some of the new shine things to reach our shelf, just check out the list below.     Waterfall Park is a beautiful reimplementation of the classic board game Chinatown. In this negotiation and trading game, players [...]

By |2023-10-06T13:57:47+08:00October 6th, 2023|Board Games, Card Games, Items, News, Pokemon TCG|

Air Conditioning Servicing – Friday 6th October

Hey PI-Fans, Building Management has informed us that they will be conducting servicing of the Air Conditioning units inside our unit during working hours on the 6th of October 2023. We expect there to be disruptions to our regular operating standards on the day itself - Though our staff will be on hand, at the very least we do not expect to be able to provide our normal expected level of service on the day itself. In the off-chance you need something in-extremis, we'll do our best but no promises. We expect regular to return to regular operating parameters on Saturday, 7th of October 2023. 

By |2023-10-03T13:04:07+08:00October 3rd, 2023|News|

EARLY CLOSING – Monday, 4th September

Hey PI-Fans, We'll be closing at 7pm on Monday, September 4th instead of the usual 9pm closing time for a staff function. Regular operating hours will resume on Tuesday, September 5th. We apologize for the disruption. SPECIAL OPERATING HOURS: MONDAY, 4/9/23 12 noon - 7pm

By |2023-09-03T00:12:34+08:00September 3rd, 2023|News, Our Staff|

Wilds of Eldraine Prerelease

Hey PI-Fans, The Wilds of Eldraine MTG set is rolling out at Games @ PI on Saturday, 2nd of September and Sunday, 3rd of September. September 2nd (Saturday), 2pm Format: Sealed, three rounds Swiss, best-of-3 matches Fee: $35 Participation: 3 wins – 4 set booster packs 2 wins – 2 set booster packs 1/0 wins – 1set booster pack   September 3rd (Sunday), 2pm Format: Sealed, three rounds Swiss, best-of-3 matches Fee: $35 Participation: 3 wins – 4 set booster packs 2 wins – 2 set booster packs 1/0 wins – 1set booster pack  

By |2023-08-31T08:43:06+08:00August 30th, 2023|Card Games, Items, News, Promotions|

Descent: The Betrayer’s War – “More Dungeon, More Crawl”

Hey PI-Fans, The Betrayer's War expansion for the Descent: Legends of the Dark board game is an absolute doozy. Arriving in a massive box almost the same size as the original, the game of cooperative 3D dungeon crawling returns with a massive expansion to the main in a campaign that takes on the role of Act 2 of the journey of the heroes through Terrinoth. Building on the original, the game will continue to send heroes questing across a variety of different terrain and encounters as they seek to end the threat of the Waiqar the Undying, Dragonlord Levirax and the monstrous Uthuk Y’llan. Whether they succeed, on the other hand depends on the skill, luck and tenacity of the players in this App-Driven Game-Masterless dungeon romp. If you've ever wanted to play a RPG campaign but could never settle on armtwisting someone in to being the GM, this may [...]

By |2023-08-21T15:04:58+08:00August 21st, 2023|Board Games, Items, New items, News|

Games for the whole family!

Hey PI-Fans, We've always stood by the philosophy of "Play Games and Have Fun".  When shipments drop in from the sky, they do fantastic jobs of broadening the shelf range, with this one coming with a massive mix of board and card games for all ages. We'll go into  a bit more details in coming days as we focus on the specific titles in details, but in the meantime it's worth showcasing the restock wave as a whole! New Board and Card Game: 7 Wonders Edifice Expansion Hurry Up Chicken Butt I Want My Teeth Back My Parents Might Be Martians Mysterium Kids Nutty Noodles Unstable Unicorns Travel Edition Tiny Epic Vikings Without Fail Board and Card Game Restocks: 7 Wonders Azul – Master Chocolatier Catan Citadels Dixit Dobble Just One Mansions of Madness Mind MGMT Mists over Carcassonne No Thanks Pandemic Pandemic: Hot Zone: Europe Poetry for Neanderthals Poetry [...]

By |2023-08-12T14:07:58+08:00August 12th, 2023|Board Games, Items, News|

Mists Over Carcassonne – Aka. What Carcassonne really needs is Ghosts!

Hey PI-Fans, Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic? Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost? If the answer is "yes," then don't wait another minute. Pick up the phone and call the professionals... Okay. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, maybe consider this week's shelf arrival Mists over Carcassonne, a cooperative reimplementation of the board game classic that sees players band together to build the prefecture before it is swallowed by an overwhelming malevolent mist. Designed as a standalone expansion for classic Carcassonne, Mists over Carcassonne introduces Mist Tiles to the traditional game of roads, fields and cities, which when placed on the board, come replete with their own complement of ghosts meeples. These ghastly supernatural interlopers serve as a 'death clock' of sorts for [...]

By |2023-07-22T16:33:42+08:00July 22nd, 2023|Board Games, Items, New items, News|

The Traditional Restock Post

Hey PI-Fans, You've probably seen this way too many times, but due diligence demands the announcement be made. Pallets of stuff have drifted in from across the ocean and have meandered their way onto the store shelves yet again. This of course means filled shelves and stacks upon stacks of cool stuff so if you fancy a card game with a bit more depth you can pick up Happy Little Dinosaurs, Here to Slay or grab a copy of Citadels. A reload of our party games shelves with Exploding Kittens, Zombie Kittens, Really Loud Librarians, Poetry for Neanderthals and Hand to Hand Wombat provides a spread of cool stuff to keep the laughter going. On top of this, The Great Train Robbery expansion for BANG! The Card Game has trundled into the station. If you want your classics, Catan, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic and Dixit all see core set reloads [...]

By |2023-07-14T13:13:55+08:00July 10th, 2023|Board Games, Card Games, Items, New items, News|

MTG Commander Masters 2023

Hey PI-Fans, We're taking preorders for MTG Commander Masters 2023. Like the LotR set before it, supply will be limited, so if you want it, act fast. We're taking preorders for the following products at the listed prices below. We will only be selling boxes as sealed product. No further discounts will apply. No refunds for cancellation. All orders must be placed with full deposit (Deposit will be refunded in the event of manufacturer short supply). In the event of shortage, priority will go to orders placed and paid for earlier. We are accepting preorders from customers in good credit standings only. Release date subject to manufacturer. Place order and deposit directly at Games @ PI. If not possible, contact us ASAP and we can arrange for electronic transfer for the deposit. Preorder window may close early subject to manufacturer.   DEADLINE FOR PREORDERS Sunday, 16/7/23, 1500 HRS     [...]

By |2023-07-09T13:22:59+08:00July 9th, 2023|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|

The Leviathan Promo Lucky Draw

Hey PI-Fans, Now that the man-eating bugs have moved on and the dust has cleared, it's time to conduct the promo giveaway for the set of giveaway swag that Games Workshop provided us. Since there wasn't enough to ensure that everyone got one, we opted for the most egalitarian of solutions: The MICROSOFT EXCEL random number function would decide. We'll be contacting the winners this afternoon. In the meantime, how's the progress on those Marines and Bugs going, folks? - Kenneth, Games @ PI Manager

By |2023-07-02T12:35:46+08:00July 2nd, 2023|Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer 40k|
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