News and updates on what’s going on
Fighters, Felines and Funfairs
Hey PI-Fans, We've furnished a fantastical feast of fancy fun. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, it's worth mentioning that one of our long delayed shipments has suddenly just popped out of thin air and made it's way to our shelves. Spread across the New Stuff shelf are three new titles and a pair of new expansions from some wildly varying from head-to-head wargames for those of the strategic persuasion to adorable furniture battles of feline domination. Card gamers can likewise, celebrate the arrival of new Pokemon, with a small restock of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 Elite Trainer Boxes, Mini Tins and Zapdos Collection Boxes. If you're curious about some of the new shine things to reach our shelf, just check out the list below. Waterfall Park is a beautiful reimplementation of the classic board game Chinatown. In this negotiation and trading game, players [...]