News and updates on what’s going on

Dead Manager Walking

Hey PI-Fans, Games @ PI Manager Kenneth here - I think by the way the articles stopped, it's pretty obvious when I finally stopped resisting and succumbed to the bug. No shame in admitting it's had me out-like-a-light for the past week. My staff have risen to the occasion and carried on running the place - I am thankful for that. This does however mean that I've dropped the ball on many many things as well - and I would like to thank the tolerance of our suppliers who have pulled minor miracles to assist. We expect our March of the Machine shipment to arrive today (and it's in) and I will keep you updated regarding its arrival for the prerelease tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding - it's been a miserable week.  - Kenneth

By |2023-04-14T15:28:33+08:00April 14th, 2023|Magic: The Gathering, News, Our Staff|

5 Days to March of the Machine Prerelease

Hey PI-Fans, Five days remaining to Games@PI’s Magic: the Gathering – March of the Machine Prerelease Event! We've had just enough of gloom and doom, really. Despite the March of the Machine set being about the Phyrexian invasion of everything, it's also very much an Avengers level teamup of just about every hero the writers could drag from every plane they could think of. This motley mix of heroes, unlikely-do-gooders and outright villains who want to avoid becoming a Phyrexian footnote are represented by Team-Up creatures, dual-colored legendary creatures representing notable champions same plane teaming up against the Phyrexian invasion with abilities that are often call-backs to their original cards. The prerelease event for the 'March of the Machine' set happens Saturday, 15/4/23. Maybe you'll walk away with a favorite character and their new 'bestie'. We'll be doing a daily countdown, sharing our favourites of the cards previewed and preparing [...]

By |2023-04-14T16:35:20+08:00April 10th, 2023|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|

6 Days to March of the Machine Prerelease

Hey PI-Fans, Six days remaining to Games@PI’s Magic: the Gathering – March of the Machine Prerelease Event! The Phyrexians, being weird and horrible, take hideous pleasure in covering the table in Incubator tokens, vile eggs that their controller can hatch into a menagerie of Phyrexian life forms. Just try not to think too hard about the source of the biological matter that's going into these terrifying Easter Eggs.   The prerelease event for the 'March of the Machine' set happens Saturday, 15/4/23.  We'll be doing a daily countdown, sharing our favourites of the cards previewed and preparing for the event! Are you excited for the battle?! Will you marshal the invading Phyrexian horde and finally leave your opponent with egg on their face? The event details are as follows:  April 15 (Saturday), 2pm Format: Sealed, three rounds Swiss, best-of-3 matches Fee: $35 Participation: 3 wins - 4 set booster packs [...]

By |2023-04-09T14:33:53+08:00April 9th, 2023|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|

7 Days to March of the Machine Prerelease

Hey PI-Fans, Seven days remaining to Games@PI’s Magic: the Gathering – March of the Machine Prerelease Event! As the clock continues to tick down to the Prerelease. Perhaps it's time to just let Wizards' storytelling shine through their awesome trailer. No more words from us - just an enraged Elspeth and Elesh Norn throwing down. The prerelease event for the ‘March of the Machine‘ set happens Saturday, 15/4/23, and we expect this showdown between two iconic White characters to be absolutely catastrophic. We’ll be doing a daily countdown, sharing our favourites of the cards previewed and preparing for the event! Are you excited for the battle?!  The event details are as follows:  April 15 (Saturday), 2pm Format: Sealed, three rounds Swiss, best-of-3 matches Fee: $35 Participation: 3 wins – 4 set booster packs 2 wins – 2 set booster packs 1/0 wins – 1set booster pack Looking forward to seeing you [...]

By |2023-04-08T18:27:17+08:00April 8th, 2023|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|

8 Days to March of the Machine Prerelease

Hey PI-Fans, Eight days remaining to Games@PI's Magic: the Gathering - March of the Machine Prerelease Event! From Amonkhet to Zendikar, the invaded planes and their inhabitants are depicted in gorgeous art upon the cards. March of the Machine showcases the upcoming multiversal battle across all ten of the Gainlands, first released in the Tarkir set (currently being Invaded) last seen together as a full set back in Kamigawa (also being invaded). While bits and bobs of the Gainland set did show up in the Warhammer 40,000 Commander decks, we don't think Elesh Norn is quite insane enough to take a swing at the Grim Darkness of the Far Future (though to be fair, the Phyrexians would fit right in).         The prerelease event for the 'March of the Machine' set happens Saturday, 15/4/23. Who knows, you might end up going home with a Plane or two [...]

By |2023-04-07T21:17:35+08:00April 7th, 2023|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|

9 Days to March of the Machine Prerelease

Hey PI-Fans, Nine days remaining to Games@PI's Magic: the Gathering - March of the Machine Prerelease Event! With the Phyrexian invasion underway all across the Planes, soldiers, champions and even the wildlife are rising up to meet the threat posed by these multiversal intruders. Unfortunately, this resistance can occasionally play directly into the hands of the Phyrexians themselves, as be they Soldier, Beast, Angel or Devil, all have a place waiting for them in the Phyrexian hierarchy. There's probably something meta to be said about the depiction of mind-twisting flesh-distorting corruption becoming little more than a question of combat utility for players, but we'll try not to think too hard about that. The prerelease event for the 'March of the Machine' set happens Saturday, 15/4/23, just in time for you to load up on the body horror. We'll be doing a daily countdown, sharing our favourites of the cards previewed [...]

By |2023-04-07T21:17:22+08:00April 6th, 2023|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|

10 Days to March of the Machine Prerelease

Hey PI-Fans, Ten days remaining to Games@PI's Magic: the Gathering - March of the Machine Prerelease Event! The last time we checked in, the Magic the Gathering multiverse was in something of a pickle, thanks to the Phyrexians - Magic's longtime creepy-ass fratricidal sock-puppet villains, successfully utilizing the Invasion Tree 'Realmbreaker' to attack all planes at once. This cataclysmic war is the feature of  the 'March of the Machine' set, which we're having a prerelease event for on Saturday, 15/4/23. We'll be doing a daily countdown, sharing our favourites of the cards previewed and preparing for the event! Are you excited for the battle?! The story has taken us to many places, and we return to them once again.... The event details are as follows:  April 15 (Saturday), 2pm Format: Sealed, three rounds Swiss, best-of-3 matches Fee: $35 Participation: 3 wins - 4 set booster packs 2 wins - 2 [...]

By |2023-04-06T17:40:36+08:00April 5th, 2023|Card Games, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|

Games Workshop Direct – Place Special Orders By 08/04/23

Hey PI-Fans, PLACE YOUR GW DIRECT ORDERS WITH US BY 1500 HRS, 08/04/23 We're in the midst of putting together a Direct Order for Games Workshop product for the month of April, so if you're planning to load up on miniatures and hobby supplies that are not normally available in the regular catalogue, now is a good chance. Whether you play: Age of Sigmar Warhammer 40,000 The Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game Games Workshop Specialist and Hobby Boxed Games or are just looking for Hobby Supplies Give us a shout ASAP at or contact the store directly so we can confirm price and availability and get back to you.

By |2023-04-05T14:40:11+08:00April 5th, 2023|Items, Miniature Games, News, Warhammer 40k|

Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet – March 31st

Hey PI-Fans, Pokémon TCG: Scarlet & Violet - March 31st Not only has series protagonist Ash Ketchum (Satoshi to the Japanese purists) taken his victory lap after being an eternally scrappy 10-year old since 1997, the Sword & Shield set for the Pokémon card game which has been with us since before the pandemic in 2020 is finally wrapping up and we're moving on from Galar! Spare a thought for your local Pokémon fan - It's a period of dramatic change for them. The Pokémon Scarlet & Violet set is the next generation of the Pokémon Trading Card Game and is moving into the new Paldea region. ScarVio, as we're calling it, sees the return of the classic 'ex' mechanic, last seen in the wild back in 2007, as well as a shift to silver borders for the trading cards, an artistic touch that brings the sets more in line [...]

By |2023-03-28T20:53:56+08:00March 28th, 2023|Card Games, Items, News, Pokemon TCG|

Magic the Gathering – Casual Commander Sunday

Hey PI-Fans, We know Magic: the Gathering might look like a daunting game to learn, but we can promise you that it's WAY easier with friends. If you're new to the game, or just want to mess around casually with a bunch of friends, might we be so bold to recommend the Games @ PI Commander Sundays? Games @ PI Commander Sundays utilize the popular Commander format for Magic the Gathering and the Preconstructed Decks makes it a great way to start for new players! Win or lose, you're walking away with something too! The event details are as follows:  Every Sunday, 4pm Format: Magic the Gathering Commander (using Preconstructed Decks only). Fee: $10 Participation: Magic the Gathering Set Booster & Promo Pack Just starting out Don't have a Commander Deck? We've got you covered too. You can always rent a Preconstructed Deck from the store for the event for [...]

By |2023-03-20T20:07:21+08:00March 20th, 2023|Card Games, Events, Items, Magic: The Gathering, News|
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