Age of Sigmar Skaventide – Early Bird Preorders

    Hey PI-Fans, Greetings Man-Things, the time of the Vermindoom is close. Yes-yes. Kill-Kill Storm-Things. Games Workshop has been very very uncoy about the fact that the Age of Sigmar 4th Edition is upon us, in all it's Skaven vs Stormcast glory. The massive Skaventide launch box comes with an expected price tag to match as well - as part of one of their website lucky draw declarations, they've valued the box as follows in the fine print. "The value of the contents of each prize is GBP £160 (one hundred and sixty) / AUD $450(four hundred and fifty) Australian Dollars/ USD $265 (two hundred and sixty five US dollars/ EU €210 (two hundred and ten) Euros." No idea what their SGD price is going to be, but we expect it to clock in somewhere between SGD$400-450 ballpark.   TLDR: ORDER SKAVENTIDE AND PLACE DEPOSIT. GET AN ADDITIONAL 10% OFF FINAL [...]

    By |2024-06-19T20:49:00+08:00June 19th, 2024|Items, News, Promotions, Warhammer AOS|

      An Unsupervised Manager Makes Warhammer Age of Sigmar Bundles

      WARHAMMER AOS SPECIAL ARMY DEALS Hey PI-Fans, So I'm running the store today and I went digging. And to my consternation, here are a bunch of X'Mas Battleforces that weren't collected. It's time for me to be random. The Mortal Realms of Age of Sigmar have seen a lot of upheaval over the years. Then again, given the setting's central theme appears to be "This is Valhalha on mind altering substances" (sometimes literally in the case of the Gloomspite Gitz grots.)  Here's a bunch of army boxes specially priced to get you started designed with the Age of Sigmar Wargame.   Ossiarch Bonereapers Mortisan Tithe Echelon ($230) 20 Mortek Guard Mortek Crawler Gothizzar Harvester 3 Necropolis Stalkers/Immortis Guard Mortisan Boneshaper Mortisan Soulreaper Age of Sigmar Core Rulebook   Lumineth Realm Lords Vanari Shining Host ($230) 10 Auralan Wardens 5 Dawnriders 5 Bladelords Lord Regent Bannerblade Starshard Ballista Age of Sigmar [...]

      By |2022-09-28T16:54:36+08:00September 28th, 2022|Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer AOS|

        Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Dominion Preregistration Bonuses

        Hey PI-Fans, Games Workshop has started their curated coverage of the upcoming Age of Sigmar 3rd Edition Starter Box. We've got to admit, that's a whole lot of plastic in the pipeline for both Order and Destruction, with more Stormcasts and a whole new slew of Orruks here to crack some skulls. Much like the Indomitus box for Warhammer 40,000 has become unobtanium, we are guessing that this will be a limited run product on release, so we fully expect supply to run out. To help gauge demand, we are asking that interested customers preregister their interest to avoid disappointment. Games Workshop hasn't announced any prices regarding the upcoming box (or even a street date) but we’re offering a special opportunity to preregister your interest in a copy of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Dominion in advance (and an extra spicy little bonus if you're extra fast and scroll to [...]

        By |2021-05-30T14:24:52+08:00May 30th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer AOS|

          FELDHERR FIGURE CASE ORDERS – Closes 26th May 2021

          Hey PI-Fans, If you're looking for storage for your miniature collections, this Feldherr probably has a case for you. We’re preparing orders for another wave of Feldherr product, so if you’re after a specialist case or two, now would be a good time to let us know. Games @ PI is taking pre-orders for Feldherr Cases at a Singapore dollar price of 1.7x the Euro listed price on the Feldherr Website ( Please make a full deposit upfront for orders. Final date for orders is 26/05/21. Orders can be placed at the store or by contacting us at with the header 'Feldherr Order'.  

          By |2021-05-19T21:04:12+08:00May 19th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer AOS|


            OEI. WE’Z GIVEN DA WEB BOFFINS A RIGHT KRUMPIN’ AN DIS ‘ERE’S AN ORK PAGE NOW. WE’Z LOOTIN’ DA STORE FER GUBBINS AN WE’Z GOT DA GUDS IF YA BRING DA TEEF.  Well... Here fishy fishy fishy. If you're interested in Age of Sigmar, this is as good a place to get your feet wet, pun intended. Two great value Idoneth Deepkin boxes and the Morathi book to keep you up to date on the state of the sea aelves. 1 Arkhelian King, 2 Arkhelian Allopexes, 1 Isharann Soulrender, 10 Namarti Thralls and 3 Akhelian Guard at a special flash sale price. WARHAMMER AGE OF SIGMAR START COLLECTING IDONETH DEEPKIN, BLOODSURF HUNT, BROKEN REALMS: MORATHI 35% OFF EXTRA 5% IF PAID FOR IN-STORE USING NETS, PAYNOW OR CASH We’re going to be placing these items up for sale one at a time in both Games @ PI and on our [...]

            By |2021-04-05T21:51:16+08:00April 5th, 2021|Flash Sale, Items, Miniature Games, Warhammer AOS|

              DA’ BIG MEK’S LOOTED ‘FING LOT – Chaotic Beasts

              OEI. WE’Z GIVEN DA WEB BOFFINS A RIGHT KRUMPIN’ AN DIS ‘ERE’S AN ORK PAGE NOW. WE’Z LOOTIN’ DA STORE FER GUBBINS AN WE’Z GOT DA GUDS IF YA BRING DA TEEF.  Hey PI-Fans, if you're a Chaos Demon player and the idea of faffin' around with a flock of Furies amuses you (I said Furies, not Furries. Space Wolf players will have to look elsewhere., you'll want to take a look at this offer.  Clearly, someone thought the same thing, but probably got cold feet when they found the Furies came with Raptorix. Both units are fieldable in Age of Sigmar Slave to Darkness armies while Chaos Furies are available to Chaos Demon armies in Warhammer 40,000. If you want a box of cheap fast 12-inch moving flying flappy boys in plastic for your Chaos Demons army which can be upgraded to 4+ Invulnerable (Tzeentch aligned) or 5++/5+++ (Nurgle [...]

              By |2021-03-28T08:31:54+08:00March 28th, 2021|Flash Sale, Items, Miniature Games, Promotions, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer AOS|

                DA’ BIG MEK’S LOOTED ‘FING LOT – Warcry: Scions of the Flame Warband

                OEI. WE’Z GIVEN DA WEB BOFFINS A RIGHT KRUMPIN’ AN DIS ‘ERE’S AN ORK PAGE NOW. WE’Z LOOTIN’ DA STORE FER GUBBINS AN WE’Z GOT DA GUDS IF YA BRING DA TEEF.  Hey PI-Fans, by now, you're probably here because you want stuff. So here's stuff. Someone really doesn't want to honor their warcry order, so we've got these priced to burn, no pun intended. Chaos Cultists from the Scions of the Flame Warband looking for good (or bad, depending on your perspective) homes. Chance's are they'll eventually find a place in Slave to Darkness Warbands as well well when Games Workshop gets around to giving them points. In the meantime, here's the AoS warscroll. WARCRY: SCIONS OF THE FLAME 35% OFF EXTRA 5% IF PAID FOR IN-STORE USING NETS, PAYNOW OR CASH We’re going to be placing these items up for sale one at a time in both Games [...]

                By |2021-03-26T09:04:35+08:00March 26th, 2021|Flash Sale, Items, Miniature Games, Promotions, Warhammer AOS|


                  Hey PI-Fans, When they announced it, the Games @ PI Team were extremely excited over a new Warhammer Quest set. Having had good experiences in The Silver Tower, Shadows Over Hammerhal and Blackstone Fortress, we're looking forward to more opportunity for adventuring. With the Warhammer Community Website's continued focus on Warhammer Quest: Cursed City continuing, the writing team has opted to look at the modular tiles that comprise the street and building environments of the Cursed City of Ulfenkarn. Focusing on the indoor and outdoor locations of the city of Ulfenkarn, these varied urban city tiles will be the site of many a harrowing battle as a motley crew of heroes takes the fight to Radukar the Wolf across the ruined streets of this embattled city of the damned. Unfortunately, despite their teasing, we still have no clue when Games Workshop plans to roll out their new box game, but [...]

                  By |2021-03-10T16:27:08+08:00March 10th, 2021|Items, Miniature Games, News, Promotions, Warhammer AOS|


                    Hey PI-Fans, So you've stormed the hallways of a Silver Tower and fought your way through the chamber of a Blackstone Fortress - moving right along, Games Workshop has been bigging up an all new Warhammer Quest Boxed Game set in the cursed city of Ulfenkarn as a team of heroes, antiheroes, misfits and a very hungry ogor stalk Radukar, the vampiric lord of the city through the ruined streets while fighting off wave after wave of his foul minions. Warhamer Quest: Cursed City is coming SOON TM, and though the final price has  as with hobbyists salivating to get their hands on the pretty new models in the box, we're taking reservations for the upcoming set.   WARHAMMER QUEST: CURSED CITY EARLY RESERVATION BONUS 30% OFF FINAL RETAIL PRICE   Secure your copy now. $100 deposit, placeable at Games @ PI or at the Games @ PI Webstore. Reservation [...]

                    By |2021-02-23T15:17:08+08:00February 23rd, 2021|Board Games, Items, Miniature Games, New items, News, Promotions, Warhammer AOS|

                      New Releases – February 1, 2021

                      Hey PI-fans, Welcome to February! We've got a slew of New Releases this week to prep for Lunar New Year! Let's check 'em out!   Sheriff of Nottingham 2nd Edition The popular classic is back and better! It now comes with all these expansions in one box: 6th Merchant, Black Market, and Sheriff’s Deputies. 1 player is the Sheriff who inspects merchants' goods for contraband. The merchants will have to lie, bribe, swindle or beg the Sheriff to let the goods through. If the Sheriff finds illegal goods, they will be confiscated and the merchants have to pay a fee. If the Sheriff was wrong and the goods are legit, he has to pay the merchants for the illegal search. The player with the most gold wins! Bluff and outwit your friends in this sneaky party game that's all about the money!   For 3-6 Players, 60 Minutes Playing Time, Ages [...]

                      By |2021-02-01T14:06:39+08:00February 1st, 2021|Board Games, Items, New items, News, Role Playing Games, Warhammer AOS|
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