Age of Sigmar Skaventide – Early Bird Preorders
Hey PI-Fans, Greetings Man-Things, the time of the Vermindoom is close. Yes-yes. Kill-Kill Storm-Things. Games Workshop has been very very uncoy about the fact that the Age of Sigmar 4th Edition is upon us, in all it's Skaven vs Stormcast glory. The massive Skaventide launch box comes with an expected price tag to match as well - as part of one of their website lucky draw declarations, they've valued the box as follows in the fine print. "The value of the contents of each prize is GBP £160 (one hundred and sixty) / AUD $450(four hundred and fifty) Australian Dollars/ USD $265 (two hundred and sixty five US dollars/ EU €210 (two hundred and ten) Euros." No idea what their SGD price is going to be, but we expect it to clock in somewhere between SGD$400-450 ballpark. TLDR: ORDER SKAVENTIDE AND PLACE DEPOSIT. GET AN ADDITIONAL 10% OFF FINAL [...]